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Although they both knew what they were getting into, Carla fell in love with Samuel, and said she could envision a future with him.While it looked as if he rejected her dream, Samuel would later imply that he felt the same.

Carla may decide to cut all ties with her family and with everyone at Las Encinas. Les jours suivants, son inquiétude ne fera que monter en flèche avec les nombreuses visites de la police concernant la disparition mystérieuse de Samuel en plus de Guzman, complice de cette disparition factice, qui fera des allusions à la mort de Samuel. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers Par ailleurs elle aime beaucoup Samuel avec qui elle a des moments de complicité amusants. Généralement elle ne laisse rien paraître au niveau de ses émotions. Teo, lui demande d'être plus vigilante à ce qu'elle lui dit sinon, il s'occupera lui même de Samuel. Guzmán believed her to be "cold," Rebeca always views her as "the Marchioness," and Christian thinks she is heartless. As fans remember, Carla helped to cover up Marina's murder after she found out her ex-boyfriend killed the teen to protect her family. When it came to her relationships with However, Carla's relationship with Samuel was the complete opposite.

Elle change souvent de coupe de cheveux. Carla was usually the one in control, and would dictate how their relationship would play out. Par la suite, voyant que la situation leur échappe complètement, elle demande à Polo de tout avouer à la police en le suppliant de faire des aveux qui l'épargnent, ce que Polo refusera de faire. It started as a result of Samuel attempting to get close to Carla believing that she was somehow involved in … Polo sera arrêté après puis emmené dans un centre de détention pour mineurs. In the Season 2 finale, Carla ended up implicating herself, her father, and Polo after she believed her father was responsible for Samuel's disappearance.

Lorsqu’il s’agissait de ses relations avec Polo et Christian, il n’y avait pas vraiment de lien personnel. D'après Ander, elle sort avec Polodepuis l'âge de 12 ans.Dans la Saison 2, elle confie avoir perdu sa virginité à 14 ans.


He refused to submit to her will.For instance, he refused a hook-up because he knew she was trying to manipulate him ("59 Hours Missing"). However, she accidentally ended up framing Nano in the process.Did she do anything to help clear his innocence? Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Wiki Élite est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. Some fans may not remember, but Carla once said that she would like to go to the U.S. and study in an Ivy League school.Let's not forget how she has said she wants to leave all of the drama behind her. Samuel's got a long journey ahead of him if he's going to try and earn Carla's forgiveness.What makes Samuel different from all of Carla's suitors is that he is her equal. If this series has taught the viewers anything, it's that life is too short to be letting anyone dictate your happiness. Sa mère est une marquise et responsable du vignoble En dehors de ces éléments, le passé de Carla reste très énigmatique. However, it turned out that Samuel had faked his death to get her to clear her brother's name.While Carla tried to do the right thing, it backfired on the pair when her father refuted her testimony, and Polo made her look like his "jealous ex." Carla est une belle jeune fille de avec de longs cheveux blonds et une silhouette mince.

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