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In this tutorial, I have explained how you can detect the presence or absence of RFID tags using the MFRC522 RFID card Reading module, Arduino and LEDs. RFID means radio-frequency identification. RFID is useful to identify people, to make transactions, etc…You can use an RFID system to open a door. Arduino Tutorial for Beginners – LED Matrix With Arduino; How to Install Latest Nodejs with Npm on Ubuntu 20.04 (Linux) Arduino Tutorial for Beginners – RFID RC522 with Arduino Uno; Arduino Tutorial for Beginners – Read from Photosensitive Sensor,Gas Sensor,Microphone Sensor If you can see your information RFID module as the video, your module is still good.If your RFID module still working. An RFID system uses: 1. tags attached to the object to be identified, in this example we have a keychain and an electromagnetic card. With this simple tutorial, we can apply this application to control the huge things in our life. YouTube Tutorial:- Materials:- Arduino UNO LED (Red, Green) RFID sensor (MFRC522) Servo Jumpers Breadboard Circuit:- Code:- This is the RFID library using SPI : downloaded RFID library as .ZIP file from github, we will follow below picture and then browse to the .ZIP file, select and add to Arduino IDE.Next, we will connect module RFID as the diagram belowOkay, now let’s check our RFID module still working or not by an example “firmware_check” in default RFID library. In this post on Arduino Tutorial For Beginners, this topic about how to use module RFID RC522 with Arduino UNO R3. This module support 3 protocol to communicate with Arduino, those are UART , I2C and SPI, but i will use the SPI because almost the Arduino community use this. This video also explains the specification of the MFRC522 RFID card reader and a discussion on how to increase the range of the reader. … RFID uses electromagnetic fields to transfer data over short distances.

For example, only the person with the right information on his card is allowed to enter. Next, we will read the RF card information from example “rfid_default_key” to prepare to control our devices (led,servo,…).After uploaded “rfid_default_key” project to Arduino, when we put the RF card near the RFID module, Arduino will print RF card information to Serial Monitor as the picture below, we just care first 4 bytes or 5 bytes which are card address, we can use them to identify cards.Now, let’s connect a led to Arduino as the picture below and move to code section #### This is code of this article, Please copy, change your CARD ADDRESS and paste to your project.

Upload and enjoy ####Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments and special offers! E.g: Door lock, box lock , motorbike lock, student check-in,… this is an example about how to create a box lock using RFID RC522: The picture below is the module which i will use in this article and also in the video above, this module help us read RF tag or RF card when we put them near the module, it operate at 13.56Mhz, the module is quite stable and cheap for beginner who want to create DIY projects.

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    arduino rfid sensor mfrc522 tutorial